Fri-DIY-Day: Reversible Pulse Warmers
/Oh, pulse warmers ... or cuffs, armwarmers, wristwarmers ... Whatever you call them, I of the perpetually cold hands adore them more than what is reasonable.
I've knitted several pairs over the years and worn them to death, but I think I might love these sewn ones even more ... they are sleeker and read a little more refined, especially since there's no thumbhole.
And these are reversible, so you can go from Elizabeth Bennett to Joan Jett in 30 seconds! And they are wicked easy to make -- you can whip a pair up in 20 minutes-ish. And they use up little pieces of fabric not good for much else! What more do you want, people?
What You Need
* 2 pieces of knit fabric that look nice together to you, each about 13" wide and 18" long. T-shirt fabric can work well, as can any knit with a bit of stretch to it.
* Your normal cutting and sewing tools
* Pattern -- The PDF is here. Note on sizing: These fit my wrists -- medium-sized, 8.5" around the widest point and 6.5" around the wrist -- really well. You can make them a little bigger or smaller as needed to fit your measurements
How To
1. Using the pattern with the flat edge laid against the fold, cut out 2 pattern pieces (both on the fold) of one fabric, then the other. You will end up with 4 pieces of identical size and shape.
2. With right sides together, pin together, then serge or zigzag stitch the curved edge of each piece of fabric to make a tube. Now you have 4 tubes.
3. Turn the two tubes made of fabric 1 (plain white in my example) right side out. Leave the two tubes of fabric 2 (the 80s one in my example) right side in.
4. Put Fabric 1 tubes inside Fabric 2 tubes. The right sides of each fabric should be facing each other.
5. Pin one edge of the tubes together, slightly offsetting the seams from step 2. Zigzag right along this edge.
7. Turn the pulse warmer right side out. Press along the edge you just sewed to flatten it out.
8. Now turn your piece around and straighten everything up inside. Turn the edge of both fabric 1 and fabric 2 in 1/2" and pin.
10. Press the edge, then zigzag neatly right around it, catching all layers of the turned-in fabrics.
11. Trim your threads, give it one last press, and you are done yo!
These are so cute, I don't think I'm going to take them off till spring. I love how the white side looks peeking out of my black blazer -- now I just need to re-do my nails.
Have fun dechillifying your wrists!